ICRA-RoboMaster AI Challenge 2020
The competition was canceled due to the COVID-19.
Master Student
Robotics, Reinforcement Learning
SIST, ShanghaiTech University
Email: zhangyizheng1996 [at] gmail (dot) com
The competition was canceled due to the COVID-19.
Team BayesianBot, LIMA Lab, ShanghaiTech University
A simulator based on Gazebo and ROS which allows researchers to do Deep Reinforcement Learning Experiment about ICRA-RoboMaster AI Challenge.
STAR Center, ShanghaiTech University
A project of the 2019 Robotics Course of the School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) of ShanghaiTech University.
Montreal, Canada
Our team(BayesianBot) won the 2nd Prize at IEEE ICRA's Artificial Intelligence Challenge and receive 2000 dollars in awards.